Enoch Primordial

WHO KNEW that the patriarchs Enoch and Methuselah were prehistoric giant-killing ninjas? Well, not exactly, but their exploits against the Nephilim and Rephaim form a major part of the plot of Enoch Primordial, the second novel in the Chronicles of the Nephilim, a new series from award-winning screenwriter Brian Godawa.Continue Reading


THE WAR between Israel and Hamas began three months ago today. Is this the start of the conflict prophesied in Psalm 83, the Gog-Magog war of Ezekiel 38–39, or something else? ALI SIADATAN (ThinkAgainProductions.com), producer and director of the documentary UFOs Angels & Gods, joins us to share his uniqueContinue Reading


ANCIENT SUMERIANS built a tower of mud brick as a portal to the gods. Today, Babel is more high-tech. Author Nick Goss joins us to discuss his new book Unplugging Babel: A Manifesto Against AI, Smartphones, and Social Media. Nick explains why he says smartphone technology and social media haveContinue Reading


ONE OF THE MOST notorious characters in the Bible, and all of history, is a man about which we know almost nothing.  Nimrod is blamed for the Tower of Babel and the occult wickedness of Babylon. However, a close reading of the Bible and the history of the ancient NearContinue Reading


HUMANITY IS CAUGHT in a life-and-death struggle with forces beyond our comprehension. And powerful political and religious groups appear to be siding with this inhuman enemy. Daniel Holdings, writer of the new Steve Quayle documentary Lies of Men and Gods, discusses this supernatural conspiracy thousands of years in the making.Continue Reading
