BY REQUEST, I’m pulling an interview from my archive of shows compiled during my time as a talk radio host for the mainstream media. A couple of days ago, P.I.D. Radio listener suggested that we talk with researcher and author Dave McGowan. As it happens, back in June of 2007, I interviewed Dave about his disturbing book Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder.

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VON GLITSCHKA is a successful freelance illustrator and graphic designer with an edgy style, sort of the antithesis of Thomas Kinkade. As such, he occasionally catches criticism from those who find his beliefs intolerant as well as from those who find his work too, well, edgy for comfort. Our conversation deals with his journey to faith and the challenges that he faces as a Christian who uses his talents for secular clients who want his designs to help them sell stuff.

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THE OLD Testament is a record of rebellion. Fallen angels, placed over the nations by God after the Tower of Babel incident, led the peoples under their control in a war of extermination against the one nation reserved by Yahweh for Himself. In other words, Baal, Asherah, Molech, Chemosh, Dagon, and the other gods who bedeviled the ancient Hebrews weren’t simply constructs of wood and stone; they were real. Dr. Michael S. Heiser shares the biblical evidence for the Divine Council paradigm and explains why it matters to Christians today.

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A CHANCE reading of a letter from Confederate Civil War General (and Grand Commander of North American Freemasonry from 1859 to 1891) Albert Pike in which he described a vision of three world wars necessary to bring about one world order set Frank Lordi on a path from curious researcherContinue Reading


HAVE YOU ever seen something indistinct but person-shaped that appears and disappears through solid objects like doors and walls? Jason Offutt, author of Darkness Walks: The Shadow People Among Us, has seen them, too.

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