Cris Putnam

THE LARGEST Christian denomination on the planet seems to have a profound interest in things happening off planet — meaning outer space.  The Roman Catholic Church has been involved in astronomical studies since the time of Galileo. Cris Putnam, co-author with Tom Horn of Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER, andContinue Reading

Terry James

BEING A Christian is sort of like being a fan of the Chicago Cubs: You’re not meant to experience your ultimate reward in this lifetime.  At least not usually.  Today, however, we hear the story of a man who was clinically dead three times on Good Friday of 2011, butContinue Reading

Isis anchor

ARCHAEOLOGY IS fascinating. It’s like detective work on very old, very cold cases. Today, we discuss the case of a maritime disaster that nearly claimed 276 lives in the Mediterranean Sea more than 1,950 years ago. Several years ago, Mark Gatt, a researcher, diver, and native of the island nationContinue Reading

Dr Sam Hoyt

EVERYBODY WANTS to go to heaven, but nobody knows exactly what to expect. The Bible gives us glimpses here and there; for example, in 2 Corinthians 5:10, we read: For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due forContinue Reading

blood moon

MOST CHRISTIANS know very little about the Jewish foundation of our faith.  This is ironic, since Jesus — when you think about it — was the consummate Jew in that he fulfilled the Law perfectly. While we no longer live under the Law, Pastor Mark Biltz, founder of El ShaddaiContinue Reading
