IN THE beginning, God created Heaven and Earth.  Shortly thereafter, He fashioned man in His image (discussion on what that really means is for another day).  And since then, it appears the non-flesh and blood enemy against whom we contend has been trying to corrupt the genetic code that makesContinue Reading

globe hands

BETTER LATE than never: Conflicting schedules delayed this interview from its hoped-for date in early January. Carl Teichrib, editor of Forcing Change, published a 2013 calendar of globalist events in his December issue. While a couple of those gatherings have already come and gone, Carl tells us what to watchContinue Reading


WE CHRISTIANS were never promised an easy walk through life. In fact, says Tom Payne, author of The Path: A Guidebook for This Age of Upheaval (also available in Amazon Kindle format), time in the wilderness is essential to our spiritual growth. Tom explains how the Jewish calendar of feasts, fromContinue Reading

Gilgamesh Immortal

AS IT’S written in the book of Ecclesiastes: What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. So it wasn’t a huge surprise to discover that the new novel by award-winning screenwriter Brian Godawa,Continue Reading

Cris Putnam

WITH LESS than two weeks before the alleged Mayan Doomsday on December 21, we talk about apocalyptic prophecy with Cris Putnam, co-author of Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here and a featured guest on the History Channel series Countdown to Apocalypse.  (View the episode Prophets of Doom by clicking here.) Why doContinue Reading
