18th CENTURY philosopher and architect Jeremy Bentham invented a new type of prison in which inmates could be watched by jailers at any time, or all the time, without the knowledge of the prisoners. The panopticon has disturbing implications for the total surveillance society in which we find ourselves today.Continue Reading

Black Box Voting

THE SANCTITY of the voting process in the United States has been questioned, but it’s usually with a sense of disbelief. After all, phony elections happen in places like, well, Iran and Venezuela, right? Bev Harris, author of Black Box Voting (which is still available for free online) and theContinue Reading

Franklin Scandal

A NIGHT for railing against evil and injustice:  in the first hour, author Nick Bryant discusses what may be the most disturbing pedophile scandal in American history.  The Franklin Scandal touched a cherished institution, Boys Town, and reached the very highest levels of the American government.  For example, how isContinue Reading

vampire werewolf

VAMPIRES AND werewolves are big business right now, maybe even bigger than during the heyday of Lugosi, Karloff, and Chaney.  Dr. Judd Burton, author of Interview With the Giant, discusses the legends and offers a disturbing theory for the true origins of the monsters.Continue Reading

Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers

CHRIS PINTO of Adullam Films discusses his latest DVD, The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers, an expanded version of the presentation he gave in April, 2010 at the Last Days Conference in Nashville. The faith of Washington, Jefferson, Adams, and Franklin has been in the public eye recently, thanks toContinue Reading
