As The Days Of Noah Were

MINISTER DANTE FORTSON, host of The Omega Hour and author of the new book As The Days of Noah Were: The Sons of God and The Coming Apocalypse discusses fallen angels, the Flood, and why Christians today should study what most consider nothing more than an ancient legend. Links referenced inContinue Reading

Prophet of Evil

AS WE commemorate the ninth anniversary of the horror of September 11, 2001, we bring some startling research to your attention. Aleister Crowley, the self-proclaimed Great Beast 666, may have influenced the events of 9/11. William Ramsey, author of the new book Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and TheContinue Reading

Joe Ortiz

ANOTHER EXAMINATION of the priorities of American Christians. When it comes to God and Country, how many of us actually live as though country comes before our lives as followers of Jesus Christ? Joe Ortiz, author of The End Times Passover and Why Christians Will Suffer Great Tribulation, has aContinue Reading

Full Armor of God Ministries

HOLLYWOOD has shaped our concept of demons with movies like The Exorcist and The Exorcism Of Emily Rose. The truth is a little simpler, and a lot more shocking when you’re staring it in the face. The bottom line is that Jesus cast down unclean spirits throughout His Earthly ministry,Continue Reading

Glenn Beck

LOVE HIM or hate him, there’s no denying the syndicated radio and Fox News host Glenn Beck, a Mormon, has become the de facto spokesman for conservative Christians in America.  But his “Restoring Honor” rally at the Lincoln Memorial yesterday shows that his call for political change has morphed into aContinue Reading
