NIMROD GETS a bad rap. Or maybe too much credit. Doug Woodward, author of Rebooting the Bible, Part 2, joins us for a discussion of just one chapter in his new book, and he explains why he believes Nimrod had nothing to do with Babel—but his father, Cush, did.

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THE END TIMES appear to be imminent, if they’re not already upon us. Pastor Caspar McCloud joins us to discuss the blessed hope we have in difficult times, and he shares several new songs with us that are very timely: Like a Thief in the Night, Black Swan, and InContinue Reading


Jamie Walden, US Marine Corps veteran and author of Omega Dynamics, joins us to discuss the times in which we live, how we direct our righteous indignation, and why he and his wife recently decided to host a house church.

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NO ONE in their right mind would subject themselves, their family members, or their friends to the vicious partisan attacks one endures to become president. That means that anyone we elect is, by definition, insane. Dr. Michael Bennett rejoins us for a further discussion of his provocative new book, Two Gospels and Two Masters Vol. 1.

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AS A wise evangelist once said, we’ve become so open-minded in America that our brains have fallen out. That pretty much describes the powerless Christian church described in Lars Walker’s 1999 novel Wolf Time.

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