IT’S BEEN repeated so often that it’s taken as a given, even by Israeli archaeologists. Dr. Douglas Petrovich, author of The World’s Oldest Alphabet, discusses inscriptions at an ancient Egyptian mine in the Sinai that document the presence of Hebrews — one of which confirms the existence of Moses.

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WHAT DO demons want? That’s the question that arises from a recent article titled “The Psychology of Demons.” Rev. Jack Davila-Ashcraft, host of Expedition Truth on the KCOR Digital Radio Network, explains the drives and desires of demons, and observes that most Christians are unprepared to deal with these spirits.

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FOCUSING ON social justice drains the gospel of its true power. Jamie Walden, Marine Corps veteran and author of Omega Dynamics, explains why fixating on skin color draws us into a fight with the wrong enemy.

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THE DESTRUCTION of statues and monuments completely unrelated to slavery makes no sense if the protests are about racial injustice. Avi Lipkin ( says the explanation is in an alliance struck five years ago between BLM and the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

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WERE SOME of the values American Christians hold dear were taught to us because they served a political purpose during the Cold War? Dr. Michael Bennett joins us to discuss his new book, Two Masters and Two Gospels Vol. 1.

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