VENERATION OF the dead is a practice that links the modern world to the earliest days of recorded human history. Sharon K. Gilbert joins Derek to discuss their first book together, Veneration, and how she uses the research behind this book for her top-rated historical fiction series, The Redwing Saga.

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GOD HAS called us men to serve Him as warriors and priests. How is it possible to balance what appear to be mutually exclusive roles? Drew Graffia discusses his new book The Warrior Priest Mindset.

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JEZEBEL GETS too much credit for the evil in the world today. Jezebel spirit? She’s dead and her spirit is powerless. Award-winning Hollywood screenwriter Brian Godawa ( is back to talk about his new novel, Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israel, Book 1 in his Chronicles of the Watchers series.

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HOW DO you reconcile soft tissue inside bones that are supposed to be 67 million years old? Joe Taylor, curator and director of the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum in Crosbyton, Texas explains how paleontology properly understood does not contradict the Bible.

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IT ONLY takes a few minutes of scanning your options on a channel guide for cable or satellite TV to see that Satan truly is the prince of the power of the air. David Heavener is developing The Last Evangelist, a series he describes as “CSI meets Revelation.”

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