SECRET SOCIETIES have been playing a long game with the United States to bring forth a long-awaited “golden race” ruled by a resurrected Osiris. Filmmakers Justen Faull and Wes Faull joins us to discuss their shocking new documentary, Belly of the Beast.

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A GROUP of rabbis in the early second century A.D. massaged the Hebrew texts behind most modern English translations of the Old Testament. Doug Woodward joins us to discuss his forthcoming book Rebooting the Bible: Exposing the Second Century Conspiracy to Corrupt the Scripture and Alter Biblical Chronology.

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THE GREATEST threat to Christians in America today may be what’s taught from the pulpit. Josh Peck and Steven Bancarz, co-authors of The Second Coming of the New Age, discuss the New Age teachings that are working their way into evangelical Christian churches.

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What ancient religious beliefs lie behind the modern celebration of Halloween? Dr. Judd Burton, author of Interview with the Giant and Religions of the Biblical World, joins us to discuss the spirits behind the masks. Continue Reading


JERUSALEM IS the cause of so much conflict today because it was the site of the original conflict. Pastor Carl Gallups, author of Gods of Ground Zero, explains why the holy city has been the focus of violence between Jews, Christians, Muslims, and pagans for millennia.Continue Reading
