AFTER 2,000 years, scholars and student of Bible prophecy still haven’t nailed down the identity of Mystery Babylon in the Book of Revelation. Bill Salus joined us at the Hear the Watchmen conference in Dallas to discuss his recent debate with Joel Richardson on this topic.Continue Reading


SOMEONE OR some group has figured out a process for abducting and disposing of more than a hundred healthy young men in the U.S., U.K., and Europe over the last twenty years. William Ramsey joins us to discuss his documentary on the case, The Smiley Face Killers.Continue Reading


THE GIANTS of old not only existed, but they played a much bigger role in history than we thought. Dr. Judd Burton joins us to discuss his new book, The Nephilim Dossier.Continue Reading


Carl Teichrib, author of the forthcoming book Game of Gods, has been researching and writing about the spiritual movement called Oneness for years, and he explains that it’s a lot more advanced than most of us realize.Continue Reading


WE’RE SHAMELESSLY stealing the title of an article by our guest for the title of the episode. Dr. Timothy Furnish, author of Ten Years’ Captivation with the Mahdi’s Camps, joins us to discuss the recent call by Turkey’s President Erdogan for an Islamic army to confront Israel.Continue Reading
