There are plenty of opinions about the Rapture, and there is a lot of unnecessary confusion and division among believers. Pastor Billy Crone discusses his new book The Rapture: Don’t Be Deceived, a detective’s approach to finding the truth about the Rapture.

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LIFE IS too short to let it be destroyed by things you can’t see! Doug Overmyer of Seers See Ministries discusses his new book, Peace in Your House: Spiritual Cleansing of Life and Land. Doug analyzes demonic forces that oppress us and tells us how they can be stopped.

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VAMPIRES HAVE been rehabilitated over the last half century, transformed into seductive antiheroes. Dr. Judd Burton joins us to discuss vampires, the history behind All Hallow’s Eve, and his forthcoming novel that examines vampires from a Christian perspective, Sanguis.Continue Reading


WE ARE living in the most prophetic time since the days of Jesus. Pastor Carl Gallups, best-selling author of The Rabbi Who Found Messiah and Be Thou Prepared, discusses his new book, When the Lion Roars: Understanding the Implications of Ancient Prophecies for Our Time.

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We conclude our exclusive series of interviews from the Rocky Mountain International Prophecy Conference with what the men who brought what were probably the two most intriguing presentations at the conference. Stan Deyo talks about the location of the legendary island of Atlantis and its connection to the Nephilim, and L.A. Marzulli talks about his ongoing research into the cone-shaped skulls from Peru and the shocking (and, we now know, fake) “demon fairy”.

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