OUR SERIES of exclusive interviews recorded at the 2016 Rocky Mountain International Prophecy Conference continues with a pair of discussions about the role of the church in the last days. This week, we talk with Jeff Kinley, author of Wake the Bride, and Joseph Farah, publisher of WND.com and author of the forthcoming book The Restitution of all Things.Continue Reading


Investigative journalist Janet Phelan, author of Exile, discusses the guardianship scandal, “elder cleansing”, ethnically targeted bioweapons, and a startling detail in Section 817 of the USA PATRIOT Act.Continue Reading


OUR EXCLUSIVE interviews from the Rocky Mountain International Prophecy Conference this week feature two people I see every day: Sharon K. Gilbert discusses her presentation “I Compute, Therefore I AM”, and Josh Peck, who explains why entities that defy the laws of physics are actually transdimensional, not extraterrestrial.Continue Reading


THE GOVERNMENT of China is live harvesting organs from prisoners of conscience–possibly from as many as 100,000 prisoners a year. Ken Stone is the director of the documentary Hard to Believe, and he describes the process and the difficulty of telling this disturbing story in a one-hour film.Continue Reading


This week, we feature interviews with two out-of-the-box thinkers who are watching the increase in knowledge and where it leads: LTC Bob Maginnis, author of the forthcoming book Future War, and Gary Stearman, host of Prophecy Watchers and author of Time Travelers of the Bible.Continue Reading
