ALMOST EXACTLY 205 years ago, famed explorer Meriwether Lewis died at a small inn southwest of Nashville, Tennessee, officially by his own hand. But the Lewis family has never accepted the official explanation. History professor Dr. Judd Burton speculates as to what might have been in Lewis’ journals that could have led to his death.Continue Reading

Peruvian skull

THE NEPHILIM have joined “timeline of the Apocalypse” on the official list of Things That Make Christians Argue. (If there was such a list.) So why would a credentialed scholar of history use his vacation time to travel to Peru to examine deformed skulls, looking for clues to the historyContinue Reading

Interview With the Giant

THE BELIEF that angels mated with human women to produce monstrous offspring called the Nephilim is not just an ancient myth, a curious tale that found its way into the book of Genesis.  The idea was part of the early church through the Apostolic Age and on through about theContinue Reading


IN THE days of Noah, something was going on that Jesus said would be repeated at the time of His coming.  What did He mean by that? In the view of our panel tonight, the answer is the return of the giants mentioned in Genesis chapter 6 — or atContinue Reading
