CULTURES AROUND the world share similar stories of giants in their history. Where is the proof? L.A. Marzulli joins us to discuss the evidence of the giants included in his new book, On the Trail of the Nephilim II: New Archaeological Research.

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Gilbert, Marzulli and Shaw

THEY’RE SEARCHING for the remains of what may be the most elusive hominid in history — the Nephilim. L.A. Marzulli and Richard Shaw, the host and director of the Watchers series of DVDs, have committed themselves to a quest that, if successful, could prove the existence of the angel-human hybrids described briefly inContinue Reading

On the Trail of the Nephilim

THE GIANTS of Genesis 6 are not universally accepted as actually having been giant, even among Christians. L.A. Marzulli talks about why he spends so much time and energy to tracking down evidence of the existence of these prehistoric demigods.Continue Reading

Peruvian skull

THE NEPHILIM have joined “timeline of the Apocalypse” on the official list of Things That Make Christians Argue. (If there was such a list.) So why would a credentialed scholar of history use his vacation time to travel to Peru to examine deformed skulls, looking for clues to the historyContinue Reading


IN THE days of Noah, something was going on that Jesus said would be repeated at the time of His coming.  What did He mean by that? In the view of our panel tonight, the answer is the return of the giants mentioned in Genesis chapter 6 — or atContinue Reading
