WE TEND to think of prophecy as events that were either fulfilled in the past or will occur in the distant future. Not so. Bill Salus joins us to discuss his new book The Now Prophecies.Continue Reading


IS IT possible that God encoded messages in His Word that are only decipherable now with modern computer algorithms? Richard Shaw, director of Torah Codes: End to Darkness, discusses startling messages in the Torah that point to Messiah’s arrival — maybe this year.Continue Reading


Dr. Timothy Furnish, a scholar of Islamic history, discusses his new book Sects, Lies, and the Caliphate: Ten Years of Observations on Islam, and he explains why the goals of the Islamic State are a return to the values of Muslim states prior to the fall of the Ottoman Empire.Continue Reading


PRESIDENT OBAMA is not responsible for ISIS. Neither is George W. Bush. Dr. Timothy Furnish, author of the new books Ten Years’ Captivation with the Mahdi’s Camps and Sects, Lies, and the Caliphate, explains why the roots of the Islamic State reach back much farther than America’s recent military adventures in Iraq.Continue Reading
