WHAT’S THE DEAL with Mount Hermon? Why has it been sacred to pagan religions for more than 4,000 years? And why did Jesus make it a focal point of his ministry? Joining us to discuss the “mountain of gods” (Ps. 68:15) is our Iron and Myth crew: Doug Van Dorn (www.douglasvandorn.com), author of Giants:Continue Reading


WHO BUILT the mysterious megalithic sites that defy what we think we know about our prehistoric ancestors—and why should we care?   Derek Olson (StargateVoyager.com) has made a life’s work of investigating megalithic sites around the world like Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid of Egypt, questioning how these massive stones were movedContinue Reading


ISRAEL IS on the front lines of a religious and civilizational struggle that goes back 1,400 years.  We visited Israel in May to see with our own eyes how Israelis are dealing with the shock of October 7 and the stresses of the ongoing war. In July, Pastor Niel PetersonContinue Reading


WE ARE LIVING in prophetic times. The fact that Iran—ancient Persia—launched an attack on Israel for the first time in history this year is proof.  Ali Siadatan (ThinkAgainProductions.com) joins us to discuss Bible prophecy and the unique relationship between Persia and the Jewish people throughout history. Our discussion also touches onContinue Reading


ONE OF THE MYSTERIES of the Bible is why there are no accounts of priests or prophets casting out demons. Why is that? This is odd because the pagan neighbors of the Israelites knew about demons and had an entire library of rituals and spells for casting them out.  AndContinue Reading
