PROPHECY SCHOLARS have studied, wondered, and debated for more than two thousand years about the identity of the End Times political and religious leader called the Antichrist.  His places of origin include Europe generally, Rome specifically, and even Assyria.  But what if the Antichrist actually emerges right here in theContinue Reading


WHY IS the world’s largest Christian denomination — and world’s largest bureaucracy — so interested in the possibility of extraterrestrial life? Cris Putnam discusses the startling new book he’s co-authored with Tom Horn, Exo-Vaticana.Continue Reading

Woman on the Beast

WE HAVE seen the future and it’s not going to be fun. War between Israel and Syria and/or Iran is just one of the events on the near horizon, according to our panel at the Prophecy Summit at Branson tonight.  And yet, the consensus was that we should not haveContinue Reading

As America Has Done to Israel

AMERICA MAY be on a collision course with God. According to John P. McTernan, there is a direct correlation between the alarming number of natural disasters striking the United States and its leaders pressuring Israel to surrender land for “peace”. John, founder of Defend and Proclaim the Faith Ministries, discussesContinue Reading
