The Watchers

L.A. Marzulli starts off the 2011 schedule on A View From the Bunker with a discussion of his new DVD release, The Watchers.

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18th CENTURY philosopher and architect Jeremy Bentham invented a new type of prison in which inmates could be watched by jailers at any time, or all the time, without the knowledge of the prisoners. The panopticon has disturbing implications for the total surveillance society in which we find ourselves today.Continue Reading

American Midnight

AUTHORS OF the new political thriller American Midnight, Mike Lynch and Brandon Barr discuss their near-future story of a young woman caught between loyalty to her father, the pastor of a conservative Christian church, and loyalty to a new political party that has swept a “unity” candidate into the WhiteContinue Reading

Joe Ortiz

ANOTHER EXAMINATION of the priorities of American Christians. When it comes to God and Country, how many of us actually live as though country comes before our lives as followers of Jesus Christ? Joe Ortiz, author of The End Times Passover and Why Christians Will Suffer Great Tribulation, has aContinue Reading

Vengeance Is Ours

DURING MY reading on the Dominionist movement this year, I noticed that one book kept popping up in footnotes, cited by researchers studying this heresy. Vengeance Is Ours: The Church In Dominion, published in 1990, was an early warning call to the church about a group of self-appointed, self-anointed apostlesContinue Reading
