The Shinar Directive

WE ONLY know about Nimrod from a few verses in the book of Genesis, but he has cast a very long shadow across history. Dr. Michael Lake discusses his new book The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition.Continue Reading


NAZIS, UFOs, aliens, and ancient astronauts: It’s got all the elements of a popular series on The History Channel, except that it’s written from exactly the opposite worldview. Dr. Michael S. Heiser joins us to discuss The Portent, sequel to his excellent debut novel The Facade.Continue Reading

The Supernatural Battle

HE MAY head up the most unusual paranormal investigation team in the world — and not only because it’s made up of Bible-believing Christians. Richard J. Grund, host of Reflections in the Dark and author of The Supernatural Battle: A Field Manual, formed the Supernatural Response Team in the late 1980s after heContinue Reading

Gilbert, Marzulli and Shaw

THEY’RE SEARCHING for the remains of what may be the most elusive hominid in history — the Nephilim. L.A. Marzulli and Richard Shaw, the host and director of the Watchers series of DVDs, have committed themselves to a quest that, if successful, could prove the existence of the angel-human hybrids described briefly inContinue Reading

When Giants Were Upon the Earth

LUCKY THING Noah was far more merciful than God or none of us would be here. We discuss the new film with Brian Godawa, creator of the Chronicles of the Nephilim series and author of the new book When Giants Were Upon the Earth: The Watchers, the Nephilim, and the Biblical Cosmic War of the Seed.

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