THE REAL game of thrones takes place in the spirit realm. Chad Schafer, author of The World in the Bondage of Egypt—Under the Arch of Titus, explains how a 2,000-year-old Roman monument represents the ongoing fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

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USING FICTION to expose the fiction of the modern UFO phenomenon. Darrin Geisinger, author of Zero Gs: The Armor Eternal, discusses the use of storytelling to spread the truth of the gospel.

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WHAT IF the apocalyptic prophecies in the Bible were fulfilled in the 1st century? Brian Godawa joins us to discuss his new novel Resistant: Revolt of the Jews, the spiritual forces behind the Jewish rebellion in the 1st century, and why we should be willing to consider other points of view when it comes to eschatology.Continue Reading


AFTER 2,000 years, scholars and student of Bible prophecy still haven’t nailed down the identity of Mystery Babylon in the Book of Revelation. Bill Salus joined us at the Hear the Watchmen conference in Dallas to discuss his recent debate with Joel Richardson on this topic.Continue Reading


WHAT’S A partial preterist like this week’s guest doing in a place like this? Brian Godawa joins us to discuss the second installment of his heavily researched and footnoted series Chronicles of the ApocalypseRemnant: Rescue of the Elect.Continue Reading
