SYRIA IS five thousand years of warfare, and deploying American soldiers will not put a stop to the death. In October 2015, Doug Woodward joined us to discuss an article he’d written titled “Pick Your Poison: The U.S. Can’t Win in Syria.” It’s as true today as it was then.

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WE BEGIN the new year with a look back twelve years to a podcast Sharon and I produced in January 4, 2009, as we looked at the incoming administration of Barack Obama. There are plenty of parallels to where we are today, twelve years later.

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THE CRASH of a small commuter plane in Hawaii four years ago is the key to understanding how the deep state controls our lives. Hugo Feugen, co-author of The Fuddy Hoax, and his colleague “W” explain why the death of Loretta Fuddy didn’t happen the way we were told and why that’s still important today.Continue Reading


IS IT possible that God encoded messages in His Word that are only decipherable now with modern computer algorithms? Richard Shaw, director of Torah Codes: End to Darkness, discusses startling messages in the Torah that point to Messiah’s arrival — maybe this year.Continue Reading


RUSSIA’S INTERVENTION in Syria has really complicated things. Vladimir Putin, in one move, has apparently boxed out the nations trying to overthrow Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. Doug Woodward joins us to discuss his new essay, “Pick Your Poison: The U.S. Can’t Win in Syria“.Continue Reading
