THE BOOK OF 1 ENOCH has had a powerful influence on Christian theology. But it’s more than just an explanation of how the Nephilim came to be in Genesis 6.  The second section of the Book of 1 Enoch, chapters 37–71, is called the Book of Parables by scholars. ItContinue Reading


THE CHURCH is rediscovering things we knew two thousand years ago. Rev. Jack Davila-Ashcraft explains why topics like demons, the Nephilim, and end times prophecy weren’t considered weird by early Christian theologians, and how relearning what we’ve forgotten will help us better understand the spiritual war being fought all around us.

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OUR SERIES of interviews recorded at the Rocky Mountain International Prophecy Conference continues with Ken Johnson and Doc Marquis.Continue Reading


A STRANGE incident recorded in the first four verses of Genesis 6 has had a much greater influence on the rest of the Bible than we’ve been taught. Dr. Michael Heiser, author of The Unseen Realm, explains.Continue Reading
