AN OCCULT organization with roots in British neo-Nazi movement has gone global, with a plan to call on the old gods to remake the world—a plan that includes human sacrifice. Researcher, filmmaker, and author William Ramsey joins us to discuss his new book Global Death Cult: The Order of NineContinue Reading


SATAN HAS worn many faces over the years. Thanks to archaeologists, language experts, and a new book, we may have just untangled a few of his identities. Dr. Doug Hamp joins us to discuss his new book Corrupting the Image II: Hybrids, Hades, and the Mount Hermon Connection.

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THE NEPHILIM were on the earth in those days, and also afterward. In fact, the spiritual descendants of the Nephilim are still at work in the world today. Gary Wayne, author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, discusses the research behind his wide-ranging work that covers at least 6,000 years of history.

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Noah Primeval

NOAH WAS a kick-butt warrior chief who resisted the Lord’s call to build a big wooden box. That’s the picture of the patriarch in Brian Godawa’s new novel, Noah Primeval: Chronicles of the Nephilim Book I. Drawing on the Divine Council research of Dr. Mike Heiser, Brian paints a vividContinue Reading

Planet X, The Sign of the Son of Man and the End of the Age

X MARKS the end of the age. In the new book Planet X, The Sign of the Son of Man, and the End of the Age, Doug Elwell, publisher of the online journal Mysterious World, presents compelling evidence that the most important events in human history — creation, the birthContinue Reading
