THE ROAD ahead looks grim with the threats of food shortages, war, and emerging diseases. Author, analyst, and prophecy expert Paul McGuire discusses the warnings in his new book  Mass Awakening, and explains why, even in the midst of global chaos, Christians should not be afraid.Continue Reading

Russ Dizdar

AS CRAZY as it sounds, the Bible makes it plain that at some point in the future a coalition of armies will actually try to fight God. Russ Dizdar, author of The Black Awakening, discusses the desire by fallen angels to recruit and develop an End Times army.Continue Reading


YOUR FUTURE is spending the rest of eternity as the disembodied brain of a holographic avatar, possibly flitting about somewhere in space.  That’s one vision of the future from the group assembled at the recent Global Future 2045 World Congress in New York City, a production of the 2045 Initiative.Continue Reading

globe hands

BETTER LATE than never: Conflicting schedules delayed this interview from its hoped-for date in early January. Carl Teichrib, editor of Forcing Change, published a 2013 calendar of globalist events in his December issue. While a couple of those gatherings have already come and gone, Carl tells us what to watchContinue Reading
