IT’S BIZARRE that world opinion has swung against Israel in its ongoing war in Gaza. Less than eight months ago, a murderous death cult swarmed out of Gaza, murdering more than 1,200 and abducting another 200. Yet the tone of media coverage could lead one to conclude that Israel wasContinue Reading


HAMAS SURPRISED Israel with an attack early Saturday, October 7. As of this recording, more than 300 Israelis are dead with another 1,600 hurt. It’s the worst military setback in Israel since the Yom Kippur War exactly 50 years ago. Filmmaker, author, and prophecy scholar L. A. Marzulli ( joinsContinue Reading


IS IT possible that God encoded messages in His Word that are only decipherable now with modern computer algorithms? Richard Shaw, director of Torah Codes: End to Darkness, discusses startling messages in the Torah that point to Messiah’s arrival — maybe this year.Continue Reading


IT SEEMS odd that Islam, which has expanded since the 7th century to control almost a quarter of the world’s population, would not be mentioned in Bible prophecy. Ken Johnson of points out that the Bible does, in fact, refer to Islam.Continue Reading

Nuclear Showdown in Iran

DID THE prophet Jeremiah foresee a nuclear disaster in Iran? Bill Salus, author of the new book Nuclear Showdown in Iran, discusses Jeremiah 49:34-39, a prophecy against the ancient nation of Elam, and why Bill believes it could foretell a nuclear disaster in Iran that scatters people in the area “to the four winds”.Continue Reading
