HOW DO we broadcast our message beyond the walls of our virtual church? David Villanueva leads a creative team at GEN3SYS Studios in Guatemala that’s trying to do exactly that with a video game in development called HAV3NS.

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TWO OF our favorite guests return to discuss a fascinating topic. Anthony Patch and Doug Woodward discuss their new DVD, CERN Decoded, that examines the true purpose of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN — serving as a high-tech key to open the Abyss.

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FROM THE Nephilim to the Large Hadron Collider, reality has always been a lot stranger than most of us imagine. In this wide-ranging conversation, we bring together for the first time all four co-authors of the new book ‘Revising Reality: A Biblical Look Into the Cosmos Volume One’: Anthony Patch, Gonz Shimura, Josh Peck, and Doug Woodward.

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Quantum Creation

PHYSICISTS AT CERN attempted to find evidence for “parallel universes” this week, but what they really mean are dimensions beyond the four (three spatial, one chronological) we perceive. Josh Peck, author of Quantum Creation, tries to speak slowly and use small words so Derek can grasp the implications of the atom-smashing at the Large Hadron Collider, and he explains why the work has him concerned.Continue Reading
