WE AMERICANS have no idea of what it’s like to live under constant threat of missile attack, but that’s a fact of life for Israelis. Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, senior reporter for Israel365News.com, joins us via video from his home in Katzrin on the Golan Heights to discuss the current situation inContinue Reading


WE LIVE in prophetic times. The restoration of Israel in 1948 is evidence of that—but there are some who refuse to accept modern Israel as the fulfillment of God’s promises to the Hebrew prophets.  Ali Siadatan (ThinkAgainProductions.com) explores the prophetic significance of current events, particularly in relation to Israel and itsContinue Reading


WE ARE LIVING in prophetic times. The fact that Iran—ancient Persia—launched an attack on Israel for the first time in history this year is proof.  Ali Siadatan (ThinkAgainProductions.com) joins us to discuss Bible prophecy and the unique relationship between Persia and the Jewish people throughout history. Our discussion also touches onContinue Reading


REALITY IS A LOT CLOSER to The X-Files than we’d like to believe. It’s also a lot closer to the future laid out in the Book of Revelation.  David Heavener is putting his vision of what that might look like on the screen with his award-winning series, The Last Evangelist. David, who’s written, produced,Continue Reading


SINCE OCTOBER 7, 2023, the number of Christians speaking out against Israel has been growing. Some of these voices are openly anti-Semitic.  Dr. Mike Spaulding (DrMikeSpaulding.com), pastor of Calvary Chapel in Lima, Ohio, has written a couple of articles at Harbinger’s Daily rebuking this disturbing spirit. Mike discusses the history of IsraelContinue Reading
