THE SUPERNATURAL realm is real but it’s probably very different than anything you ever heard about in church. Dr. Michael S. Heiser joins us to discuss his new book The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible.Continue Reading

Derek Gilbert and Cris Putnam at the 2014 Pikes Peak Prophecy Summit

A RECENT study revealed that most American Christians don’t believe the Holy Spirit actually exists. Cris Putnam, author of The Supernatural Worldview, shared evidence that builds a compelling case that there is more to reality than we usually perceive.Continue Reading

Quantum Creation

THE NEW Age movement seems to have claimed quantum physics for its own. Josh Peck, founder of Ministudy Ministry, offers as a rebuttal his new book Quantum Creation: Does the Supernatural Lurk in the Fourth Dimension?Continue Reading

The Supernatural Battle

HE MAY head up the most unusual paranormal investigation team in the world — and not only because it’s made up of Bible-believing Christians. Richard J. Grund, host of Reflections in the Dark and author of The Supernatural Battle: A Field Manual, formed the Supernatural Response Team in the late 1980s after heContinue Reading


MANY CHRISTIANS profess a belief in an invisible, all-powerful God on Sunday, but live like naturalists the rest of the week. Cris Putnam, co-author of Petrus Romanus and Exo Vaticana, discusses his new book “The Supernatural Worldview: Examining Paranormal, PSI, and the Apocalyptic”.

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