Tony Kail, Southern Regional Coordinator of the Symbol Intelligence Group and author of Narco-Cults, joins us to explain how drug cartels use African religions and Latin-American cults to give them a supernatural edge in the ongoing drug war.Continue Reading

Work of the LRA

ALMOST LOST in the news cycle already was the announcement last week that the U.S. is sending military advisers–Special Forces soldiers–to Uganda to help chase down the Lord’s Resistance Army, a militaristic cult headed by Joseph Kony.  What is this group, and why should Americans care about it? Tony Kail,Continue Reading

Cry From the Bush

HUNDREDS, MAYBE thousands of children in Africa are abused, homeless, and vulnerable to human traffickers — because they’ve been accused of witchcraft. Tony Kail, founder of Voice of the Accused, is the author of Cry From the Bush: A Christian Response to Africa’s Epidemic of Witch Hunts, Child Witches, andContinue Reading


A STRANGE cult that worships a Grim Reaper-like figure called Santa Muerte — Saint Death — is spreading northward from Mexico. It’s not well understood by most religious observers, and it’s beliefs and practices are morphing almost right before our eyes. It seems to have special appeal to the downtrodden,Continue Reading
