SOMETHING STRANGE has been happening on this planet for literally thousands of years, and it connects an intrusion into our world by fallen angels to modern paranormal phenomena like those reportedly observed at Skinwalker Ranch.  Chad Riley of Truthseekers Research, writer/director and host of the documentary film Skinwalkers and Stranger Things ofContinue Reading


WHO BETTER to investigate sensational reports of levitating inhuman visitors in the remote Amazon rainforest than Timothy Alberino?  Seriously. Not only is Tim, author of the bestselling book Birthright, a respected ufologist, he lived for ten years in exactly the part of the Amazon where these reports emerged in August and speaksContinue Reading


SOFT DISCLOSURE of the existence of “extraterrestrial” life has gone mainstream, with stories about UAPs appearing in the corporate media regularly since December, 2017.  Things reached a new level this summer, with a so-called Pentagon whistleblower claiming knowledge of recovered alien craft and veteran journalist Jaime Maussan presenting already-debunked mummifiedContinue Reading


OFFICIAL DISCLOSURE is back in the news as a “whistleblower” has come forward with claims of alien spacecraft recovered by the US military. We’ve heard this before. Actual proof is non-existent, and, as with every major UFO/UAP “disclosure” since Roswell in 1947, the military-intelligence complex has fingerprints all over it.Continue Reading


MORE PEOPLE believe in ET than in the God of the Bible. We wish that was a joke.  Josh Peck, co-author with Derek of The Day the Earth Stands Still, explains why a couple of Christian researchers and authors spent half a year writing a book about UFOs and “alien” abduction.Continue Reading
