WHAT’S THE DEAL with Mount Hermon? Why has it been sacred to pagan religions for more than 4,000 years? And why did Jesus make it a focal point of his ministry? Joining us to discuss the “mountain of gods” (Ps. 68:15) is our Iron and Myth crew: Doug Van Dorn (www.douglasvandorn.com), author of Giants:Continue Reading


ONE OF THE MYSTERIES of the Bible is why there are no accounts of priests or prophets casting out demons. Why is that? This is odd because the pagan neighbors of the Israelites knew about demons and had an entire library of rituals and spells for casting them out.  AndContinue Reading


“THERE WERE GIANTS in the earth in those days.” Those nine words are among the most controversial in the entire  Bible.   Who or what were the Nephilim? Doug Van Dorn (www.douglasvandorn.com), author of Giants: Sons of the Gods, and Brian Godawa (www.Godawa.com), best-selling author of Chronicles of the Nephilim and the theological thriller Cruel Logic, join us forContinue Reading


A DEBATE over the nature and identity of a shadowy group mentioned in the Book of Genesis has divided Christian theologians for the last 1,600 years.  This month, our Iron and Myth roundtable discusses the “sons of God” in Genesis 6:1–4. Were they divine beings or humans? And if theyContinue Reading


WHEN ARE GODS not gods? When they’re rebranded as human judges or rulers to avoid uncomfortable theological implications. Brian Godawa (www.Godawa.com), best-selling author of the theological thriller Cruel Logic, Doug Van Dorn (www.douglasvandorn.com), author of Giants: Sons of the Gods, and Dr. Judd Burton (www.BurtonBeyond.net), author of Interview with theContinue Reading
