IT’S A lot of detail work — logistics, deadlines, and convoluted scheduling — for not much in the way of financial gain.  So why bother? Bob Ulrich of Prophecy in the News explains why he and his team spend months planning events like the upcoming Orlando Prophecy Summit, why PITN’sContinue Reading


GOD CREATES; man manufactures. Therein lies a key difference between the Gospel and the New Age. Patricia Langer, a researcher, writer, and speaker who specializes in the supernatural, especially abduction experiences, discusses her past in the New Age movement, what brought her to Christ, and the nature of the spiritsContinue Reading

Age of Deceit 2

IN OUR high-tech world, we are rarely without a device that connects us almost instantly with the World Wide Web. But what if the Information Superhighway is actually a network wiring all of us together like so many neurons in a global brain? And what if that global brain turns out to be the prophesied Image of the Beast?

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Abomination by William Ramsey

THREE SECOND-GRADE boys disappeared in West Memphis, Arkansas on May 5, 1993. Three young men from the area were convicted of the crimes. Today, however, they are free, beneficiaries of a campaign by celebrities who believe they were prosecuted basically because they dressed in black and listened to heavy metal. Researcher and author William Ramsey explains why he believes justice has been perverted.

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The Dark Lord by Peter Levenda

THE HORROR fiction of H.P. Lovecraft might be closer to reality than we’d like to think. Peter Levenda, author of “The Dark Lord: H.P. Lovecraft, Kenneth Grant, and the Typhonian Tradition in Magic” returns to discuss the links between the Cthulu Mythos, Thelema, and the ancient alien meme. Is there a common thread that explains why the world is going to hell?Continue Reading
