Lennart Moller

MANY OF the historic sites described in the Book of Exodus are fenced off and surrounded by guards and “No Trespassing” signs. It appears the government of Saudi Arabia has no desire to allow physical proof of the biblical account to come to light. Dr. Lennart Moller, in an interviewContinue Reading

Bob Cornuke

HIS SEARCH for truth led him from the streets of Los Angeles, where he served as a police investigator and SWAT team member, to what may be the site of the biblical Mount Sinai. And yet his children believe his most impressive achievement may be having his findings featured asContinue Reading


“CARL, WE’RE not Satanists.” That may be the worst recruiting pitch in history.  It was directed at our guest, Carl Teichrib, Editor of Forcing Change and host of Forcing Change Radio, who says it started him down a path of research and writing that has turned into a full-time ministry. Carl saysContinue Reading

Dr. Stanley Monteith

IT DOESN’T take medical training to recognize that our world is sick. One might say that what we need now, more than anything, is a doctor of singular skill. While we wait for His return, we discuss the ills that plague us with Dr. Stanley Monteith, host of Radio Liberty and authorContinue Reading

Paul McGuire

WHAT PRICE does a syndicated radio talk show host pay when he decides to pass on a network cable TV deal in favor of speaking the truth? At the very least, you can kiss prime time and the New York Times bestseller list goodbye. Paul McGuire hosted a nationally syndicated radioContinue Reading
