Mysterious World: Ireland

SOME MIGHT find it ironic that the patron saint of Ireland was actually British. It’s true:  Saint Patrick was a Briton, a Celt born and raised in a tumultuous period that saw the exit of the Romans and the onset of a long war that turned Britain into England (“Angle-land”Continue Reading

twisted pistol

PEACE in our time. Sounds great! Where do we sign up? There is a movement, for the most part operating quietly and in the background, that for decades has been guiding policy discussions in world capitals toward a goal of global disarmament.  It sounds like a noble end, until youContinue Reading

Age of Deceit

IF THE apostle Paul knew his stuff, then the struggles we face every day are not with other people, but with evil intelligences — “powers”, “principalities”, and “the rulers of the darkness of this world”. It follows, then, that the so-called conspiracies we see in the world around us mayContinue Reading

Babylon Rising

IT’S NOT unusual for conservative preachers to refer to America as a modern-day Babylon. They may be more correct than they know. Rob Skiba joins us to discuss his new book, Babylon Rising: And the First Shall be Last.  He tells us why he believes the first king of theContinue Reading

Watchers 3

SIGNS in the heavens, earthquakes in strange places, rebellion in the Middle East — what do these things have in common? Researcher and author L.A Marzulli suggests in his new 70-minute DVD, Watchers 3: Fingerprints of the Supernatural, that these seemingly unconnected events all point to a cosmic clock that’sContinue Reading
