MYSTERY BABYLON of the end times is the return of Babel.  This shouldn’t surprise us—the Hebrew words bab el (from Akkadian bab ilu, meaning “gate of gods”), translated Babylon, are the same words rendered “Babel” in Genesis 11. Tyler Gilreath, author of the new book Gate of the Gods, explains why the connections between BabelContinue Reading


THE NUMBERS 9-1-1 have a specific meaning for Americans—the numbers one dials to call for help in an emergency. They’re also significant as the chapter and verse in the Book of Revelation that identifies the fallen angel called the Destroyer.  Joining us this week are pastor, author, and acclaimed biblicalContinue Reading


SOME OF THE MOST epic stories from the ancient world deal with the wars of the gods. It’s not a coincidence that one of the most commonly used titles for God in the Bible is “Lord of hosts,” which literally means “Yahweh of armies.”  Doug Van Dorn (, author of Giants: SonsContinue Reading


KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR saw a vision that disturbed him so much that he ordered his sorcerers, enchanters, and magicians to tell him what he’d dreamed and its interpretation—on pain of death.  Obviously, the Chaldeans of Nebuchadnezzar’s court couldn’t comply with the king’s demand. They were on the verge of being killedContinue Reading
