IT’S DEFINITELY one of the strangest stories of 2023: Villagers in a remote region of the Amazon rainforest in Peru have been defending themselves against attackers called pelecaras, which translates into English as “face-peelers.” Timothy Alberino, who lived in that region for a time as a younger man, returned recentlyContinue Reading


ANCIENT SUMERIANS built a tower of mud brick as a portal to the gods. Today, Babel is more high-tech. Author Nick Goss joins us to discuss his new book Unplugging Babel: A Manifesto Against AI, Smartphones, and Social Media. Nick explains why he says smartphone technology and social media haveContinue Reading


ONE OF THE MOST notorious characters in the Bible, and all of history, is a man about which we know almost nothing.  Nimrod is blamed for the Tower of Babel and the occult wickedness of Babylon. However, a close reading of the Bible and the history of the ancient NearContinue Reading


WHAT WE CALL “prepping” our grandparents called “life.” We’ve lost those skills—and the knowledge that your neighbors had your back when things got tough. Wyatt Fernow, one of the organizers of the annual Pitchfork and Hoe Gathering in Valley City, North Dakota (, sat down with me at this year’sContinue Reading


THE THREE big questions of life that have haunted humanity since the beginning of history are still with us today: Where do we come from, why are we here, and what happens when we die?  Shaun Tabatt and Randy Kay have authored three books on near-death experiences (NDEs), accounts of experiences from peopleContinue Reading
