VFTB 1/28/24: Iran, Israel, and War in the Middle East

The Middle East is in turmoil, but trying to understand the conflict in terms of simple geopolitics doesn’t provide good answers.

Iran is using proxies in Gaza, Lebanon, and Yemen to attack Israel and pressure the West. But Iran is a Shia nation while its most violent proxy, Hamas, is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, a Sunni group that wants to restore the caliphate—which was based in Turkey.

Dr. Timothy Furnish, a scholar of Islamic eschatology, joins us to help untangle the web that binds together Shias and Sunnis, and Persians and Arabs, in their opposition to Israel and the West.

We highly recommend Tim’s books Holiest Wars, Ten Years’ Captivation with the Mahdi’s Camps, Sects, Lies and the Caliphate, and The COIN of the Islamic Realm. Tim’s books are available in hard copy and Kindle format at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Timothy-R.-Furnish/author/B001KDHY64

Listen to this week’s podcast below, or watch the interview at the Gilbert House app or our YouTube channel:

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