VFTB 5/12/24: Your Mission in God’s Army

AS THE WORLD hurtles toward the Second Coming, you have a unique mission for our King. 

That’s not to say God needs us to wield His sword. He will handle that on His own when the time comes. Meanwhile, discerning your divine mission can help you live with a sense of clarity and purpose while sharing the hope you have in Christ with your family, friends, and colleagues.  

Retired U.S. Army Colonel David Giammona and Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist Troy Anderson join us to discuss their new book Your Mission in God’s Army (https://amzn.to/3JHh7Tt). They explain what it means to walk in supernatural power, protection, and provision; how to glean wisdom from U.S. military intelligence tactics and strategies; and powerful techniques and disciplines used by biblical heroes.

Listen to this week’s podcast below, or watch the interview at the Gilbert House app or our YouTube channel:

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Please join Derek and Sharon Gilbert each Sunday for the Gilbert House Fellowship, our weekly Bible study podcast. Log on to www.GilbertHouse.org for more details.

And check out our weekly video program Unraveling Revelation (www.unravelingrevelation.tv)!

Join us in Israel! Our next full tour of Israel is March 25–April 3, 2025 and features our Iron and Myth panelists Doug Van Dorn and Dr. Judd Burton, along with author/adventurer Timothy Alberino! For more information, log on to GilbertHouse.org/travel.

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