VFTB 3/23/25: Return of the Red Heifers

RED HEIFERS are back in Israel! But what does that mean, exactly? 

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, writer for Israel365News.com and author of the new book Return of the Red Heifers (israel365store.com/products/red-heifers), joins us to explain the significance of the heifers, why they’re important, and why a Third Temple isn’t necessary to begin the sacrifices on the Temple Mount. 

We also discuss the historical context of the relationship between Jews and Christians, the role of the Messiah, modern misunderstandings surrounding these topics and the potential for future collaboration between the two faiths. 

Follow Adam’s Substack here: AdamEliyahuBerkowitz.substack.com.

Listen to this week’s podcast below, or watch the interview at the Gilbert House app or our YouTube channel:

Our new book The Gates of Hell is now available in paperbackKindle, and as an audiobook at Audible

Derek’s new book Destination: Earth, co-authored with Donna Howell and Allie Anderson, is now available in paperback, Kindle, and as an audiobook at Audible!

Join the Gilberts and their special guest Carl Teichrib in the Holy Land! Our next tour of Israel is October 19–30, 2025. For more information, log on to GilbertHouse.org/travel.

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Please join Derek and Sharon Gilbert each Sunday for the Gilbert House Fellowship, our weekly Bible study podcast. Log on to www.GilbertHouse.org for more details.

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