VFTB 107: The Aztec Incident

The Aztec IncidentTHE MODERN UFO era began in the late 1940s with a series of high-profile sightings, including the most famous, the 1947 crash near Roswell, New Mexico.

Our topic tonight is the other 1940s crash in New Mexico, one you’ve probably not heard much about.  Author and journalist Dr. Frank Thayer, a professor of Journalism and Mass Communications at New Mexico State University, is a co-author of the new book The Aztec Incident: Recovery at Hart Canyon.  He discusses the events of March 25, 1948, the testimony of the witnesses, and why Roswell became famous while Aztec was, until recently, considered a hoax.

Read fiction by Frank Thayer (and Derek and Sharon Gilbert, among a talented group of authors) at Writer’s Cramp.

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