SkyWatchTV and Gilbert House Ministries are delighted to announce that Derek and Sharon Gilbert will join the SkyWatch TV network team beginning in March, 2015. (Click here to listen to PID Radio announce the news.)

Derek Gilbert is also the author of two popular novels, The God Conspiracy and Iron Dragons, and is a contributing author to Defender Publishing’s non-fiction works God’s Ghostbusters and Blood on the Altar. He’s a lifelong Cubs fan, prefers glasses to contacts, and has been seen in public singing the high part in barbershop quartets. Derek has always been fascinated by the way things work. It was the evidence for the authenticity of the New Testament that awakened him to the spiritual battle raging around us. It is this battle that inspires him—and it is this daily determination, along with a remarkable talent for interviewing any guest on any topic that Gilbert brings to SkyWatch TV.
Long before meeting Derek online in 1997 (ask her about it sometime), Sharon K. Gilbert studied opera theater at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, singing roles as diversified as the sullen and secretive ‘Secretary’ from Menotti’s The Consul to the befuddled ‘Miss Todd’ in another Menotti favorite, The Old Maid and the Thief.
As if music weren’t enough, in 1994, Sharon earned a top-honors degree in biology with molecular emphasis from James D. Watson’s alma mater, Indiana University. She is the author of thrillers Winds of Evil, Signs and Wonders and The Armageddon Strain. Sharon is also the writer behind the 2014 Amazon bestseller Ebola and the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse, and she is a contributing author to God’s Ghostbusters, Blood on the Altar, and Pandemonium’s Engine.
Once settled into their new lives at SkyWatch TV, Derek and Sharon Gilbert will bring their vast experience in broadcasting, netcasting, and television to both sides of the camera. Derek will co-host the anchor interview program alongside veteran host Gary Stearman as well as produce the daily updates and serve as general manager and producer for the network. Sharon will be wearing numerous hats as well: producing, writing, graphic design, set design—in addition to program development. Future programming will even include an all-female talk show, which Sharon will host—think of this as a Christian version of The View.
More About SkyWatchTV
SkyWatchTV will be “almost like a Christian version of 20/20,” Horn told WorldNetDaily. “If you’ve seen Raiders News, it’s just different. We probably do a lot of shows others would be afraid to touch.”

Gary Stearman, a well-known speaker in prophecy circles is also part of the new lineup and will help the show feature issues such as lost civilizations, ancient giants, trans-humanism and other intriguing subjects, which he relates to end-times prophecy.
“We believe the time is now, that the need for prophetic ministries has never been greater,” Horn said. “And it is very concerning that so many of the prophecy experts of the past are growing old, some have passed away over the last few years, others are in their eighties and waning, and we are not seeing theologically well-equipped people rising up to take their place. Who will fill their shoes? That’s a major question as we have entered a time when those inside and outside the Church need to have the world’s events put into biblical context more than ever before. We hope to change that, to become a vehicle of clarity for this generation.”
Horn said the new enterprise will cover issues besides prophecy when it is warranted, like genetics, health, criminology, and other subjects making headline news relevant to the Church, but will keep the primary focus on “prophecy, discovery, and the supernatural from a biblical worldview.”
The new SkyWatchTV studio complex sits on a five-acre commercial site in Missouri. Studio A, designated for the primary program, is ready to go. Studio B is partly finished and awaiting additional funding. It will include “a Christian version of The View” with an all-female cast discussing issues of importance to women of faith (for example home schooling, parenting, the impact of technology and public policy on family life, culture, prayer, as well as areas of prophecy and the supernatural) from a woman’s perspective.
A third studio, built with the intention of green screen special effects, will lend the production team more control for higher-end video editing. A mobile-ready website for the shows will be online before the end of the year.
Investigating the “Forbidden Subjects”
Gary Stearman pointed out to WND recently how Tom Horn “has a long history as a publisher and as an author dealing with cutting-edge subjects like trans-humanism, the merging of genetics and computer sciences, and artificial intelligence [which] will rise to become a power on its own in a few years and that will tie into Bible prophecies of the rise of Antichrist, and so we find a correlation between Bible prophecies and various scientific advances.”
Stearman said these and other subjects are “forbidden” in many Christian circles, which leave people asking questions that go unanswered.
Horn says it’s worse than that: “Because denominational Christianity is mostly afraid of touching these issues, their own church members often seek out the information from dangerous sources such as the New Age. They wind up in dark circles online, can get confused and maybe even lose their faith. We want to stand in the gap against that possibility.”
When they are not recording television shows, Horn, Stearman and the Gilberts write books and speak at prophecy-related conferences. They are currently planning two major prophecy conventions in 2015-2016 that will include the world’s foremost authorities covering the most important topics in Christendom.
“If the Lord tarry, we could be positioned at the front of Internet TV and cable and reach a whole new generation for Christ. We believe God has given us a vision of how this could happen,” Horn adds.
“We’re living in historic times. What we do we must do quickly. Gary Stearman, the Gilberts, and the rest of our team have a special love for people and trust that God and His children will help us break new ground to reach the world starting in the new year.”
SkyWatchTV programming is scheduled to begin in January.
To learn more about Derek and Sharon Gilbert please visit:,,,,,