THE LEGAL basis for marriage in the United States now appears to be “because they want to”. That being the case, where does the line get drawn?
John Haller, trial attorney by training and teaching pastor at Fellowship Bible Chapel in Columbus, Ohio, explains the legal, moral, and prophetic implications of the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage, and he makes some recommendations for religious organizations that intend to hold the line on the definition of marriage.
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Really interesting guest. Full of excellent info. Definitely going to check out his videos. This episode was as good as the Mark Musser one a few weeks ago. Loved it, thank you guys.
I’m more worried about the idolators, fornicators, adulterers and all the other sins that are mentioned right there along with this one. Christianity is about relationship with Christ which is transformative rather than name calling. Casting that first stone…
John Haller said something similar to what I indicated in my own interview: people “think” with their emotions. Kelly’s show, “How can you deny this nice man…?”, so we ignore the law, nature, Scripture and go with sentiment.
Derek, you said that you don’t want to be plugged into a “hive mind”. My first concept of that was “The Omega Point” by George Zebrowski. It’s a science fiction novel that puts forward a unified mind concept. (Didn’t know until just now that I only read the first part of a trilogy, but I’m not interested in the rest.)
Chelly – so having a discussion about the moral trajectory of the nation after legalizing gay marriage is “name calling” and “casting the first stone”? Uhh, right.
Chelly, concerning “Casting the first stone”: That quote is not the end of that story. The last admonition of the story is “Go and sin no more.” Also the other sins that you named are not “against nature.” Those sins come from natural desires that have not been subjected to the Lordship of Christ. While it is true that any sin can keep you out of Heaven, there are sins that have a spiritual component to them that are more destructive and harder to get deliverance from.
Very interesting guest! This ruling by the Supreme Court was a spiritual attack, not only on this natin, as the last Christian nation, but worldwide. They had gay pride celebrations all over the world after that ruling. I was off work on that Friday and was able to see the whole thing unroll and while it was bad news, it may have given a needed wake-up call to believers. I have talked with more people about what the bible says about homosexuality in the last two weeks than I have in some time. My prayer that this would bring about another revival, though I know it is not promised. Otherwise I am encouraging people to repent, live righteously, and watch for the rapture.
An interesting aside, two counties in Nebraska have told the justices of the peace to perform no weddings at all, so that they do not have to do homosexual weddings.
Blessings to you.
Joe Biden told a Jewish audience a few months back that they were largely the ones to thank for the change in attitudes towards gay marriage, be it through Hollwywood or through social media. Biden was complimenting them but Conservative Christians seem to have missed this.
Maybe that’s because Conservative Christians for some reason are pro-Israel and believe that Judaism is basically Christianity without the New testament. I would just like to point out that Judiasm does not respect the Old Testament and is based on human traditions (as Jesus pointed out to His cost) and is embodied in that most demonic of holy books, the Talmud. Go there to find justification for all manner of sexual sin.