VFTB 5/9/21: Doug Hamp – Nimrod, Ninurta, and the End of Human History

HUMAN HISTORY revolves around a character who died in Mesopotamia more than five thousand years ago.

Dr. Doug Hamp, senior pastor of The Way Congregation in Lakewood, Colorado, joins us to continue our discussion of his new book Corrupting the Image II: Hybrids, Hades, and the Mount Hermon Connection. Doug explains how Nimrod, the “hero par excellence,” has been identified throughout history as Gilgamesh, Hercules, and the deities Ninurta, Nergal, Melqart, and Marduk, and, most important, how this character fits into Satan’s strategy for the end times.

Then, news on the just-announced SkyWatchTV Defender Conference, Rise 2021, which launches June 18, 2021.

Please join Derek and Sharon Gilbert each Sunday for the Gilbert House Fellowship, our weekly Bible study podcast. Log on to www.GilbertHouse.org for more details.

And check out our weekly video program Unraveling Revelation (www.unravelingrevelation.tv)!

Join us in the Holy Land! Please note: The dates of our next tour of Israel have been changed to October 19–30, 2025. For more information, log on to GilbertHouse.org/travel.

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