VFTB 5/15/22: Bill Old Chief – Awakening in Blackfeet Country

AS CHRISTIANS of European descent continue to “desupernaturalize” the Bible, the Gospel takes root in unexpected places.

Bill Old Chief is a pastor with a strong prophetic calling. He’s also an author, musician, and tribal leader among the Blackfeet Nation of Montana. He explains why the gospel message resonated with the Blackfeet, the lessons he’s learned from trial and sorrow, and how the Holy Spirit will sometimes take hold of you even when you’re trying to resist!

Join Derek and Sharon Gilbert in Turkey October 18-November 2, 2022 for a fascinating tour that explores the history and future of Turkey. For information and registration, log on to www.SkyWatchinTurkey.com!

Please note: We’ve changed the URL of our YouTube channel. Subscribe and share at www.YouTube.com/GilbertHouse! Watch this week’s episode here:

Get our free app! It features all of our weekly content—this podcast, our weekly Bible study, the Gilbert House Fellowship, and our weekly program Unraveling Revelation. It’s free and available for iOS, Android, Amazon Kindle Fire tablets, and for Roku and Apple TV. Find the link here: www.GilbertHouse.org/app/.

Derek and Sharon Gilbert lead a tour of the churches of Revelation, Göbekli Tepe, and much more in the spring of 2024 (dates TBA). For information and registration, log on to GilbertHouse.org/travel.

Join us in the Holy Land! Please note: The dates of our next tour of Israel have been changed to October 19–30, 2025. For more information, log on to GilbertHouse.org/travel.

My new book The Second Coming of Saturn is out! The paperback is available now at the SkyWatchTV store, and you can get the paperback and Kindle at Amazon.

Read my novels for free! Iron Dragons and The God Conspiracy are part of Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program, and they’re linked at my author page: Amazon.com/author/derekpgilbert.

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