VFTB 10/9/22: They Only Come Out at Night

MOST OF US have had an experience that can be described as night terrors or sleep paralysis. For some, however, it’s a common, ongoing experience—one that makes going to bed a living hell.

Vicki Joy Anderson, author of the new book They Only Come Out at Night: Exposing the Dark Weapon of Sleep Paralysis, digs deep into scripture to shine a light on the dark entities and “shadow people” who terrorize young and old, revealing their methods and motives and, best of all, offering hope by showing how these demonic visitations can be stopped.

Listen to this week’s podcast below, or watch the interview at the Gilbert House app or our YouTube channel:

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Join us in Israel! Our next full tour of Israel is March 25–April 3, 2025 and features our Iron and Myth panelists Doug Van Dorn and Dr. Judd Burton, along with author/adventurer Timothy Alberino! For more information, log on to GilbertHouse.org/travel.

My new book The Second Coming of Saturn is out! The paperback is available now at the SkyWatchTV store, and you can get the paperback and Kindle at Amazon.

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