Bill Salus

HARDLY A day passes without news of unrest and violence in the Middle East. To help understand the prophetic implications, we turn to the founder of Prophecy Depot Ministries and the author of the best-selling Isralestine: The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, Revelation Road, and his latest, Psalm 83: TheContinue Reading

Turkey Syria

IT’S DIFFICULT to understand what’s happening on the other side of the world. Not only is our media filtered, but we don’t begin to grasp the nuances of culture, race, and religion that affect geopolitics. In the hope of shedding some light on what looks like a possible flashpoint forContinue Reading

Psalm 83 confederation

WITH THE backing — or at least the approval — of the United States and other Western powers, the Muslim Brotherhood has ascended to power in Egypt. Why is this important? There is a familiar expression: “As goes Egypt, so goes the Middle East.” Setting aside the question of whyContinue Reading

Revelation Road

THE SO-CALLED Arab Spring may be leading to a very unpleasant summer. Joining us to discuss the prophetic implications of the political winds blowing in the Middle East is Bill Salus, author of the new book Revelation Road: Hope Beyond the Horizon.  He tells us what Bible prophecy has toContinue Reading


WITH THE fall of longtime Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, a new chapter begins for Israel and the Middle East. We discuss the situation with analyst and author Tom Payne, who predicted Mubarak’s demise in his 2010 book The Template of Time: Our Destiny Decoded, an analysis of a time codeContinue Reading
