John Haller, host of the excellent Prophecy Update vidcast, joins us to discuss why Christians turn our guns on each other (figuratively speaking) over issues we probably don’t completely understand.Continue Reading

Cauldron by Terry James

Any time war seems likely in the Middle East, the question arises: Does this have prophetic implications? We asked Terry James, author of Cauldron: Supernatural Implications of the Current Middle East, why what happens there is important to the rest of us.Continue Reading


Alan Kurschner, director of Eschatos Ministries and author of Prewrath: A Very Short Introduction, gives a brief overview of the Pre-Wrath Rapture position, some of the scriptural support for it, and where it differs from the Pre-Tribulation view.Continue Reading


PRE, MID OR POST? That simple question, referring to the timing of the Rapture, is a sure way to set otherwise mild-mannered Christians to arguing.Continue Reading

The End Times Passover

A NEW interpretation of end times prophecy this week. Former radio broadcaster longtime student of Bible prophecy Joe Ortiz, author of The End Times Passover and Why Christians Will Suffer Great Tribulation, believes scholars have misinterpreted key passages that are commonly thought to point to the Rapture — a literalContinue Reading
