ONE OF THE difficulties in understanding the spirit realm is that New Testament authors, especially Paul, used the same Greek terms for both earthly and heavenly beings. So, how do we understand terms like thrones, dominions, rulers, authorities, principalities, and powers? To borrow another phrase from Paul, as though we’reContinue Reading


MORE PEOPLE believe in ET than in the God of the Bible. We wish that was a joke.  Josh Peck, co-author with Derek of The Day the Earth Stands Still, explains why a couple of Christian researchers and authors spent half a year writing a book about UFOs and “alien” abduction.Continue Reading


OUR GUEST this week is a longtime UFO investigator who has concluded, after decades of research, that the “UFO phenomenon does not constitute conclusive evidence of actual physical ET visitations by physical extraterrestrial biological entities piloting or maneuvering physical extraterrestrial spacecraft of any kind.”  Norio Hayakawa, who’s featured in theContinue Reading
