THERE WERE GIANTS in the earth in those days, and also after that… It’s an understatement to say that Genesis 6:1-4 has caused an inordinate amount of controversy among Christian theologians and lay people for thousands of years. The current consensus is that the “sons of God” mentioned in thoseContinue Reading

DMT and the Soul of Prophecy

DURING RESEARCH into the effects of the psychedelic drug DMT in the early and mid ’90s, Dr. Rick Strassman made a startling discovery: The experiences of the volunteers in his studies bore many similarities to the experiences of the Hebrew prophets.Continue Reading


THE PORTAL to the spirit world may be inside your head.  Author and professor of psychiatry Dr. Rick Strassman makes the case in his book DMT: The Spirit Molecule that a substance found in plants and the human body may be the key to unlocking that portal. In 1990, Dr.Continue Reading
